scientific Sessions

Surgical Innovations in Oncology

Advances in surgical techniques, such as robotic-assisted and minimally invasive procedures, are revolutionizing cancer treatment. The impact of this progress on patient outcomes, recovery, and quality of life will be evaluated. Providing surgeons with access to state-of-the-art surgical tools and introducing them to innovative processes present challenges that can be handled through cooperative training programs and resource-sharing actions.

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Advances in Nanotechnology for Cancer Treatment
Cellular Therapies Beyond CAR-T
The Role of Epigenetics in Cancer Diagnosis
Cancer Genomics and Epigenomics
Liquid Biopsy Innovations
Immunomodulatory Molecules in Cancer Therapy
Pediatric Oncology
Advances in Cancer Genetics and Genomics
Novel Cancer Vaccines
Systems Biology in Cancer Research
Cutting-Edge Therapies in Cancer Treatment
Tumour Suppressor Molecules in Cancer Therapy
Molecular Imaging Agents for Cancer
Organoids and 3D Bioprinting in Cancer R&D
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